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صفحه اصلی - سئو هکر
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Local SEO can range in price from a few hundred dollars per month to several thousand dollars per month. The agency should be able to provide you with a transparent pricing structure that outlines all of the services they offer and how much they charge for each.

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It’s important to track your local SEO progress so you can see if your efforts are working. The agency should be able to provide you with regular reports on your rankings, website traffic, and leads generated.

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Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. They are a valuable signal to search engines that your website is authoritative and trustworthy.

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Local citations are listings of your business on online directories, such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Bing Places for Business. Building high-quality citations is an important part of local SEO.

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This question will give you an idea of how effective the agency is at helping their clients achieve their local SEO goals.

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This question will help you understand how the agency approaches local SEO and what steps they take to improve your business’s ranking in local search results.

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The cost of SEO in New York City (NY) can vary widely depending on the specific services you need and the experience and reputation of the agency you choose. However, as a general rule of thumb, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $10,000 per month for SEO services in NYC.

Here is a breakdown of the average SEO pricing in NY:

Hourly rate: $100 to $300 per hour Project-based fees: $2,501 to $5,000 per project Monthly retainers: $2,501 to $10,000 per month

Here are some of the factors that can affect the cost of SEO in NY:

The size and complexity of your website The competitiveness of the keywords you are targeting The scope of services you need The experience and reputation of the SEO agency

If you are a small business with a simple website and you are only targeting a few low-competition keywords, you may be able to get away with a monthly retainer of $500 or less. However, if you have a large and complex website and you are targeting highly competitive keywords, you may need to budget for a monthly retainer of $10,000 or more.

It is important to shop around and get quotes from several different SEO agencies before you make a decision. You can also ask for case studies or testimonials from previous clients to get an idea of the agency’s track record.

Here are some tips for finding an affordable SEO agency in NY:

Look for agencies that offer a variety of pricing options. Some agencies offer tiered pricing plans, so you can choose a plan that fits your budget. Ask for a detailed breakdown of the services included in the price. Make sure you understand what you are getting for your money. Get references from previous clients. This will give you an idea of the agency’s work and communication style. Be prepared to negotiate. SEO agencies are often willing to negotiate their rates, especially if you are a long-term client.
ستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعالستاره غیر فعال

Forbes is one of the most prestigious and well-known publications in the world. If you are an expert in your field and want to increase your visibility, publishing a guest post on Forbes can be a great opportunity. However, getting your post accepted can be a challenge, as Forbes receives hundreds of submissions every day. In this article, we will provide you with tips and best practices to help you pitch a successful guest post on Forbes.

Is Guest Posting on Forbes Worth Your Time and Effort as a Content Marketer?

As a content marketer, you may have considered guest posting on Forbes as a way to increase your brand’s visibility and establish yourself as an industry expert. However, with so many publications available, you may wonder if Forbes is worth your time and effort.

We’ll explore the benefits of guest posting on Forbes and help you decide if it’s the right strategy for your content marketing goals.

What is Guest Posting on Forbes?

Guest posting on Forbes involves submitting a high-quality, original article to be published on the Forbes website under your byline. Forbes is a highly reputable business and finance-focused publication that attracts millions of readers worldwide. Guest posting on Forbes can be a valuable opportunity for content marketers looking to reach a broad and engaged audience.

Benefits of Guest Posting on Forbes: Build Credibility and Authority

Guest posting on Forbes can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. When readers see your content published on Forbes, they are more likely to view you as a credible source of information. This can help build trust with potential customers and clients and increase your brand’s authority in the industry.

Increase Brand Awareness and Visibility

Forbes has a massive online presence, with millions of readers and followers across social media platforms. By guest posting on Forbes, you can leverage this reach to increase your brand’s visibility and awareness. This can lead to increased website traffic, social media followers, and overall brand recognition.

Expand Your Network

Guest posting on Forbes can also help you expand your professional network. By publishing on a highly respected publication, you may attract the attention of other industry experts, potential clients, and media outlets. This can lead to valuable collaborations, partnerships, and opportunities down the line.

Is Guest Posting on Forbes Right for You?

While there are clear benefits to guest posting on Forbes, it may not be the right strategy for every content marketer. Forbes has strict editorial guidelines and is highly selective about the content it publishes. Additionally, guest posting on Forbes can be time-consuming and requires a significant investment of effort.

Before deciding to pursue guest posting on Forbes, consider the following: Is your content aligned with Forbes’ editorial guidelines? Do you have a unique and compelling story to tell? Are you willing to invest the time and effort required to craft a high-quality post? Do you have the necessary expertise and authority to contribute to Forbes’ audience? ]

Guest posting on Forbes can be a valuable opportunity for content marketers looking to increase their credibility, visibility, and authority. However, it’s important to carefully consider if it aligns with your content marketing goals and if you have the necessary resources to pursue this strategy. If done correctly, guest posting on Forbes can be a powerful way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and reach a broad and engaged audience.

] Forbes Guest Post Research Forbes’ Guidelines and Audience

Before submitting your guest post, make sure you have a clear understanding of Forbes’ editorial guidelines and the type of content they publish. Forbes is a business and finance-focused publication, so your post should align with their audience’s interests. Additionally, Forbes prefers original content that has not been published elsewhere.

Develop a Compelling Story

To grab Forbes’ attention, your post should have a unique and compelling angle. Think about what makes your story different from others in your field and why it would be of interest to Forbes’ audience. Avoid generic or overly promotional content and focus on providing value to readers.

Craft a Strong Pitch

Your pitch should be concise, professional, and personalized. Start by introducing yourself and your expertise, and explain why your post would be a good fit for Forbes. Provide a brief summary of your post’s main points and how it aligns with Forbes’ editorial guidelines. Finally, include a call-to-action, such as a request for feedback or an invitation to discuss your post further.

Follow Up

After submitting your pitch, follow up with Forbes’ editorial team to ensure they received it and ask for feedback. Keep in mind that Forbes receives a high volume of submissions, so be patient and respectful in your communication.


Publishing a guest post on Forbes can be a valuable opportunity for professionals looking to increase their visibility and credibility. By following these tips and best practices, you can increase your chances of success and pitch a compelling post that resonates with Forbes’ audience.


Remember, it’s important to do your research, develop a strong story, craft a personalized pitch, and follow up professionally. With these strategies in mind, you can successfully pitch a guest post on Forbes and make a name for yourself in your industry.

The Anatomy of a Successful Guest Post on Forbes: Insights from Top Contributors

For content marketers, guest posting on Forbes can be a highly effective way to reach a broad and engaged audience. However, with Forbes’ strict editorial guidelines and high standards for content quality, it can be challenging to create a successful guest post. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the anatomy of a successful guest post on Forbes and share insights from top contributors.

Clear and Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing readers will see when they come across your guest post. It’s essential to craft a clear and compelling headline that accurately reflects the content of your post and entices readers to click through. Avoid clickbait headlines and focus on delivering value to your target audience.

Unique and Timely Topic

To stand out on Forbes, your guest post needs to cover a unique and timely topic that adds value to Forbes’ audience. Avoid rehashing old topics or recycling content from other publications. Instead, focus on providing new insights, perspectives, and data that readers can’t find elsewhere.

Strong Introduction

Your introduction should hook the reader and set the tone for the rest of your post. It’s essential to establish your authority and credibility early on and make it clear why your topic is relevant and important. Use a conversational tone and avoid jargon or technical language that might alienate readers.

Clear and Structured Body

The body of your guest post should be clear, structured, and easy to follow. Use subheadings, bullet points, and other formatting tools to break up the text and make it more visually appealing. Use examples, case studies, and data to support your points and make your content more engaging.

Actionable Takeaways

The best guest posts on Forbes provide readers with actionable takeaways they can apply to their own businesses or lives. Don’t just rehash general concepts or ideas; instead, provide concrete strategies, tips, and advice that readers can put into practice. Make sure your takeaways are relevant and valuable to Forbes’ audience.

Engaging Conclusion

Your conclusion should summarize your main points and provide a clear takeaway for the reader. Use a conversational tone and avoid ending your post abruptly. Instead, provide a sense of closure and encourage readers to share their own thoughts and insights in the comments section.


Creating a successful guest post on Forbes requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. By following the anatomy of a successful guest post outlined in this guide and incorporating insights from top contributors, you can increase your chances of getting published on Forbes and reaching a broad and engaged audience.

] Opportunities and Challenges for Emerging Thought Leaders and Industry Experts

For emerging thought leaders and industry experts, guest posting on Forbes can be a powerful way to build their personal brand and establish themselves as authorities in their respective fields. However, it’s not always easy to get published on Forbes, and even once you do, there are challenges you’ll need to overcome to succeed. In this guide, we’ll explore the opportunities and challenges of guest posting on Forbes for emerging thought leaders and industry experts.

Opportunities of Guest Posting on Forbes

Guest posting on Forbes can provide several opportunities for emerging thought leaders and industry experts, including:

Building brand awareness: Forbes has a massive audience, and guest posting on the platform can help you reach a broad and engaged audience. Establishing credibility: Being published on Forbes can help establish you as an authority in your field and boost your professional credibility. Networking with other thought leaders: Forbes has a community of contributors and readers, and guest posting can help you network with other thought leaders in your industry. Challenges of Guest Posting on Forbes

While guest posting on Forbes can provide significant opportunities, there are also several challenges you’ll need to overcome, including:

Strict editorial guidelines: Forbes has strict editorial guidelines, and it can be challenging to get your guest post accepted. High content quality standards: Forbes’ audience expects high-quality, well-researched content, which can be challenging to produce consistently. Competition from established thought leaders: Forbes has a community of established thought leaders who regularly contribute to the platform, making it challenging for emerging thought leaders to stand out. Tips for Overcoming Challenges

To overcome the challenges of guest posting on Forbes, consider the following tips:

Familiarize yourself with Forbes’ editorial guidelines and content quality standards. Focus on providing unique insights and perspectives that add value to Forbes’ audience. Leverage your personal brand and existing network to increase your chances of getting published on Forbes. Collaborate with other emerging thought leaders and industry experts to increase your visibility and reach. Be patient and persistent; getting published on Forbes takes time and effort. ]

Guest posting on Forbes can be a powerful way for emerging thought leaders and industry experts to build their personal brand and establish themselves as authorities in their respective fields. However, it’s not without its challenges. By understanding the opportunities and challenges of guest posting on Forbes and following the tips outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of success on the platform.

] What are the key elements of a successful pitch for a guest post on Forbes?

A successful pitch for a guest post on Forbes should include a clear and concise introduction, a brief summary of the proposed article, an explanation of why the article would be of interest to Forbes’ audience, and a demonstration of the author’s expertise in the subject matter.

What is the best way to research Forbes’ audience and content before pitching a guest post?

To research Forbes’ audience and content, start by reviewing the topics covered in the publication, the style and tone of the articles, and the audience demographics. You can also look at Forbes’ social media accounts and engage with the publication’s followers to gain insights into their interests and preferences.

How can I establish my authority and credibility when pitching a guest post to Forbes?

To establish authority and credibility, it’s important to have a strong personal brand and a professional website or blog. You can also provide examples of your previous work, awards or recognition you’ve received in your field, and any relevant educational or professional credentials.

Should I pitch multiple ideas for a guest post, or just focus on one?

It’s generally best to pitch multiple ideas for a guest post to Forbes, as this shows that you have a range of expertise and are willing to tailor your content to the publication’s audience. However, be sure to prioritize your strongest and most relevant ideas.

How long does it typically take for Forbes to respond to a guest post pitch?

Forbes typically receives a high volume of guest post pitches, so it may take several weeks or even months for the editorial team to review and respond to your pitch. If you haven’t heard back after a few weeks, it’s acceptable to send a follow-up email to inquire about the status of your pitch.

What should I do if my guest post pitch is rejected by Forbes?

If your guest post pitch is rejected by Forbes, don’t be discouraged. Take the feedback you received and use it to refine your pitch and improve your writing skills. You can also consider pitching your idea to other publications or blogs in your niche.

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Google Ads CPA, or cost per acquisition, is the amount of money you pay to Google Ads for each conversion. A conversion is a desired action that a user takes on your website, such as signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or filling out a contact form.

To calculate your CPA, Google Ads divides the total cost of your conversions by the number of conversions. For example, if you spend $100 on Google Ads and you get 10 conversions, your CPA is $10.

You can view your CPA in the Google Ads reporting interface. To do this, go to the Campaigns tab and click on the Conversions tab. Your CPA will be displayed in the Cost per acquisition column.

You can use your CPA to optimize your Google Ads campaigns. For example, if your CPA is too high, you can try lowering your bids or targeting a different audience. You can also try improving your landing pages or adding more conversion opportunities to your website.

Here are some tips for lowering your Google Ads CPA:

Set realistic CPA targets. Your CPA targets should be based on your business goals and your industry benchmarks. Target the right audience. Make sure you are targeting people who are likely to be interested in your products or services. Use relevant keywords. Use keywords that are relevant to your products or services and that people are likely to search for when they are looking for what you have to offer. Write effective ad copy. Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and persuasive. It should also be relevant to the keywords you are targeting. Create high-quality landing pages. Your landing pages should be well-designed and easy to navigate. They should also be relevant to the ad copy that people click on to get to your pages. Test and optimize your campaigns. Regularly test different aspects of your campaigns, such as your bids, your keywords, and your ad copy. This will help you to identify what is working and what is not, and to make changes to improve your results.

By following these tips, you can lower your Google Ads CPA and improve the performance of your campaigns.

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Google AdWords is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, and videos to web users. It can place ads in the results of search engines like Google Search, mobile apps, videos, and on non-search websites.

Google AdWords is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. This means that advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. The amount that advertisers pay per click varies depending on the competitiveness of the keyword they are targeting and the quality of their ad.

Google AdWords is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. However, it is important to use Google AdWords wisely. If not used properly, it can be a waste of money.

Here are some tips for using Google AdWords effectively:

Choose the right keywords. The keywords you choose will determine where your ads appear. Make sure to choose keywords that are relevant to your business and that your target audience is likely to search for. Write compelling ad copy. Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and persuasive. It should also be relevant to the keywords you are targeting. Set a budget. Decide how much money you are willing to spend on Google AdWords each month. You can set a daily budget or a monthly budget. Track your results. It is important to track the results of your Google AdWords campaigns so that you can see what is working and what is not. You can use Google Analytics to track website traffic, leads, and sales.

If you need help with Google AdWords, there are many experienced agencies and consultants who can help you. They can help you to develop and implement a customized Google AdWords strategy that meets your specific needs and goals.

Here are some of the benefits of using Google AdWords:

Reach a large audience. Google AdWords can help you to reach a large audience of potential customers who are already interested in what you have to offer. Target your audience. Google AdWords allows you to target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and keywords. This means that you can be sure that your ads are seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in them. Track your results. Google AdWords provides you with detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns. This means that you can see how your ads are performing and make adjustments as needed. Cost-effective. Google AdWords is a cost-effective way to reach your target audience. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

If you are considering using Google AdWords, I recommend that you do your research and learn as much as you can about the platform. There are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also consult with an experienced Google AdWords agency or consultant.